Access more than 2,300 movies, TV shows and documentaries right in your CloudLibrary app, ad-free.
All movies, TV shows and documentaries are available for immediate and unlimited simultaneous use.
At this time, streaming is only available in the CloudLibray app and on desktop or laptop devices. For help on streaming to your smart TV, use this article.
Download the cloudLibrary app for for iOS or Android devices.
Chess Club
Chess Club takes place at the library every Monday from 4:30 - 6:00 PM and is open to all ages. We have several chess boards for use, but attendees can bring their own board as well. Find a spot in the library to sit down and play!
Club Code
The Hillsboro City Library's Youth Services Department offers regular robotics and coding programs for area youth. This one hour program, led by library staff, gives kids and teens hands on coding experince. To find the date and time of the next Club Code meeting, check the library's events calendar.
Comics Plus
Access more than 20,000 comics, graphic novels and manga with Comics Plus in the cloudLibrary app or through the Comics Plus app.
All comics, graphic novels and manga are available immediately for unlimited, simultaneous use.
Download the cloudLibrary app for for iOS or Android devices or get the Library pass app for iOS or Android devices.
Practice tests for car, CDL and motorcycle license exams.
Driving-Tests.org provides:
14 car practice tests
9 motorcycle practice tests
27 CDL (commercial driver’s license) practice tests
3 online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL)
An FAQ section with detailed answers to over 100 questions.
In addition, practice tests and a virtual version of the manual are available in English and Spanish.
Beanstack is a web based application that enables patrons to log their books and minutes read during the Summer Reading Program or in one of our other reading events.
Download the free Beanstack app for iOS or Android devices or visit hillsborotx.beanstack.org to register.
cloudLibrary makes it easy to discover the content you want to read. Whether on the web, a tablets, or your mobile device. Use cloudLibrary to browse digital shelves created by the Hillsboro Library or by filtering by genres that interest you. Gain access to thousands of e-books, and audiobooks from libraries around the state, including ours.
There are three (3) computers located on the lower level of the library for patrons under 18. Use the last six digits of your library card to log in. Pin Numbers are your telephone number. Computers are available for 45 minutes. Guest passes are available at the circulation desk.
E-Read Texas on Biblioboard
A collection of e-books from the E-Read Texas Unlimited Collection, including popular non-fiction such as travel, nutrition and health, and gardening, along with adult and young adult fiction. Accessible anywhere in Texas; no login required.
eBook lending and tools to help libraries and their community to create, share, and discover local content in an unlimited, simultaneous use experience. Get these materials on your mobile device through SimplyE.
Biblioboard is provided to patrons of the Hillsboro City Library through the Texas State Library & Archives Commission.