The Hillsboro City Library was recently awarded $9,995 in grant funds from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) under its Community Advancement Packages Grants Program. Hillsboro was awarded $5,000 for the creation of Analog Outreach Programs. The library utilized these funds to purchase toddler art easels, paint, smocks, puppets, a puppet theater, felt board materials, storytime kits, and engineering manipulatives all for use in the library’s early childhood development programs. These materials have arrived and are already in use by the library’s youngest visitors during weekly storytimes and other library events.
The additional $4,995 awarded to the Hillsboro City Library through the Community Advancement Packages Program was earmarked for Teen Services. The library purchased fifteen Sphero robots, and iPads with cases in order to start an after school robotics program for area pre-teens and teens. The after school robotics program will be launching in the fall.
For more information on the library activities being created with the Community Advancement Packages Grants, and other ongoing programs at the Hillsboro City Library, contact library staff at (254) 582-7385 or visit the library in person at 118 South Waco Street. The Hillsboro City Library can always be found online at